Alicia’s Garden
Delighted to tell you that my new book, Alicia’s Garden, was officially launched on 15th October 2020, with beautiful illustrations from Tracey Challis. It is available to order on Amazon, Smashwords, and Kindle, if you want a peek (or buy it please). Signed copies are available from this website, or directly from Tracey Challis or Julie Pryke.
However, if you are collecting your book from Tracey we need you to pay for it on this site before you receive it from her. This is so that all the money goes into the same pot and our accounts are a lot easier to do, it also guarantees to her that it has been paid for before she parts with your copy 🙂
A podcast to accompany these books is also available from 15th October. This exciting new venture will help be based on ‘Tell Tales’ 2016 and aims to help people learn how to make up and tell original stories, to your own children, grandchildren nursery children and so on. What do you mean “I can’t tell stories”? I am absolutely sure that 95% of you already have the skills you need, even if you don’t know it, you just need to develop them; the other 5% will enjoy having their first attempt. There is no pressure, no homework, just something to get you started, help you along the way, and develop stronger, positive relationships with the children, whether you live with them, near them or further away. You may be an absent parent or grandparent, or temporarily absent due to current lockdown, or you may work with children. This podcast should suit you.
If you have access to a smartphone, a tablet. laptop or desktop – or even just have a landline link to them, you will be surprised at how quickly you too are able to Tell Tales to kids!
Here’s a sneaky peek of Alicia’s Garden.
Watch this space for details of the launch and please please, share with your friends! Thank you.