Getting going at last

After a friend did the original website (thanks Carl) I had to re-think it slightly (being a novice at this sort of thing). As Carl wasn’t available I twisted the arm of my youngest son, Steve, Dad of two of the stars of Tell Tales, Thomas and Fini! So here we are – still a few tweeks to do – images to add and a couple of links etc but I do hope we are going to get to know each other and enjoy the process! Please spread the word if you know anyone interested in telling stories to children and leave comments as and when. I hope to use the blog to share a few new ideas and let you know just what’s going on in my book world!

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Julie Pryke Written by:

Mum of 3, with 4 grandchildren, from a new born right up to 10 years of age. She has been a play-group and play scheme leader, worked with youth and community groups; was a College lecturer. She is a “born story-teller” and a member of Bradford Writers Circle. She’s still learning but when she grows up she wants to tell more children’s stories!

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