Exciting day tomorrow

Well – I wrote this last week folks but I don’t think I published it – sorry! Will give you an update though in my next post.

Great day tomorrow – my new book ‘Tell Tales Online’ came out on Tuesday and I’ll be adding all the details tomorrow … AND tomorrow my new project ‘Stand and Deliver’  is launched on Leo crowd, along with a dozen others at a n events in Stockholm, in front of 300+ businesses and being streamed much further afield so I’m very excited about it. Watch this space for more news tomorrow.


These to have a great adventure when they first meet. In my new book 'Tell Tales Online'
These two have a great adventure when they first meet. In my new book ‘Tell Tales Online’

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Julie Pryke Written by:

Mum of 3, with 4 grandchildren, from a new born right up to 10 years of age. She has been a play-group and play scheme leader, worked with youth and community groups; was a College lecturer. She is a “born story-teller” and a member of Bradford Writers Circle. She’s still learning but when she grows up she wants to tell more children’s stories!

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