Hi folks, I had two enjoyable workshops at Cleckheaton Literature Festival and people were very enthusiastic about the new book. The children joined in enthusiastically and produced some lovely stories. aand I was delighted to hear one girl ask her dad as she left if she could continue the story at home and could she alter it – the dad, with an enthusiastic grin said “Of course you can!” Job done! 🙂
I’m beginning to get a good feeling about the idea and would love to develop it further but still need to ask for your support on http://www.leocrowd.com/projects/22/ . Please could you go through the link, comment, pledge , follow and share. There are plenty of rewards for those of you able to help. Bookmarks, Copies of one or both books, designer stories and even story-telling at your event – maybe to help you raise money for something else. If you’ve already supported me then thank you so much! No need to do so again – but you can still have a look and see what is on today’s page.
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